NoteTab Dictionaries and Thesaurus

Download up to 13 language dictionaries and a thesaurus for NoteTab.

Important: The trial versions of NoteTab don’t have the spell checker or thesaurus features. Neither does NoteTab Light. So the files on this page can only be used with the full versions of NoteTab Pro and NoteTab Std.

The American and British dictionaries and the thesaurus are already installed in the full versions of NoteTab Pro and Std, but are not included in update packages. You only need to download them if you no longer have them.

Installation instructions are included in a file called ReadThis.txt, inside each ZIP file.


The dictionaries and thesaurus have been compiled and contributed by third-party developers. They are copyrighted by their respective authors but may be freely used with NoteTab.

Please note that Fookes Software does not offer any guarantee regarding the validity or quality of these resources.